To Teach or Preach?

There is a thin line, (sometimes it’s a fishing line so it appears invisible), which separates preaching from teaching; especially if the topic is your children’s behavior, or religion.  Discussions about God and spirituality may start with the noble intention to teach, but through various hairpin curves and hidden trap doors, evolve mysteriously into full blown, sweat filled, amen-alleluia, God-is-a-coming-soon, sermons. They become the type of interaction where everybody is wet with perspiration – no matter the temperature inside or out.  With all nobility swept aside, a dialogue into your kid’s behavior barely stays a nanosecond in the teaching mode before leaping at warp speed into preaching.  Of course, that is how it should be: they need it.

Each communication method has its own benefits and hindrances; the use of either is not a matter of right vs. wrong, but more a selection of appropriate timing.  Teaching, or coaching as it is called in sports, is a service that is nearly unencumbered as to “when” it is applied; it is always acceptable to teach.  Circumstances and companions will dictate the depth and length of the lesson; which, subject to your role as teacher or student, can range from a moment to seemingly, an eternity.  Yet with all viewpoints included, teaching is mostly about giving.  One person gives their knowledge, experience, or opinion to another – it is meant to be an unselfish act of sharing.  The acceptance of all, or part of the lesson, is completely the responsibility and choice, of the recipient.  I think that is where to “leading a horse to water…” saying came from. 

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More and Better

As the year ends and we transition to another, it is commonplace to reflect on what we have done, and what we have left undone. Too often though, reflection on the past morphs into a self-inflicted mental beating, centered on our perceived shortcomings.  We tend to focus on the bad, and forget about the good we have done.   The discussion becomes a stream of, “I didn’t…”

I didn’t lose ten pounds.

I didn’t get that promotion.

I didn’t find full time work.

I didn’t save, or invest as I had planned.

I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t……

A little negativity can erase a lot of greatness, if we let it.  Our pastor spoke about this phenomenon in an excellent sermon, and I’m sharing just two if his thoughts, but they are very important.  When the “I didn’t” takes over, remember:

You are better than you think you are

You matter more than you think you do 

Why?  Because it is true, and because God said so.  We are not the center of the universe, God is.  But, sometimes we are much closer to the center than we think.

Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading.


2011 Christmas Letter from Michael

Dastardly Dan Dullard (Dan to his friends) sat at the end of a long wooden bar, the many gouges and burn marks that scarred its surface paid tribute to age of the bar, and its patrons. His worn and beyond-dirty black leather and denim outfit was a tight fit (Dan liked animal style fries with his double cheese burger). He wore a 357 magnum low on his right thigh; the leather holster shined from fresh oil. Although it was barley noon, Dan was finishing his third root beer float, made with real ice cream, fully leaded root beer, (Nothing lite for Dan) and topped with two maraschino cherries. Today, he would need all the courage he could buy. Today, Santa Claus was coming to town.

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A Man Of Faith

My trip to Detroit started poorly.  Of course, when your alarm goes off at 4:00 am on a Monday, after hosting a BBQ on Sunday, a poor start is almost guaranteed.  I woke to the alarm with my usual enthusiasm and slowly moved downstairs, holding onto both handrails as I crept in the darkness towards the coffee pot. The creation of a timer on a coffee pot is a most beautiful invention, expediting my first gulp. The flight did not leave until 6:00 am so I should of had plenty of time to shower, complete packing, verify the blog posted correctly, and drive to the airport arriving early enough to locate parking amidst the construction so I could check in 30 minutes prior to departure.  Right – all that should have been no problem.  I checked in at 5:35 am, five minutes later than required.  I was told, by a stern and completely unpleasant lady that I was too late and the flight was closed – I needed to book another flight.  The funny thing was that she went through the process of re-ticketing me, printing documents, and I made it through security with my bag and computer before the flight left.  I stood at the gate, bag in hand, and watch the plane leave that I was supposedly too late to get on!  However, the delay was only two hours, and I did not have any business that day, so I did not get too upset.

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Prayer as Part of A Great Week

Checking things off the to do listThis week was very good, actually it was great.  Great is a relative term, so in comparison to all other weeks in recent memory, the current week stands out as amongst the best.  Being a habitual ‘box checker’ (which means that I make a list of items to accomplish and then check them off the list when completed), this week encompassed many boxes that were checked.  But the week also had a good feeling to it as well, and some excitement to make it special.

The weather cooperated by staying warm in the daytime to the mid 90’s and cool at night in the 50’s.

We reached some major milestones in the completion of my book, WARRIORS – Every Man Matters.  The writing is essentially complete, absent only the table of contents, title page and a few needed Bible quotes.  Of course, we are discovering that writing the book is only the beginning of the process; next comes publishing and selling.  We also approved the cover design, and received two very good endorsements that we will include the book. (These were some very big boxes to check).

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