One Brick at a Time

Joe met this morning just like every other one during the last three years; he had a job to do, no one else could do it, so he will embrace today with power, excitement and enthusiasm.  First though, Joe would have two cups of strong coffee – enthusiasm flowed much better with caffeine on board.  There was a slight breeze this morning, gently moving his brown hair that just touched the sculptured shoulders of the foremost brick layer of his time. Of any time.  He wore simple leather sandals, and a smock drawn tightly around his waist with a leather belt. Joe’s six foot two inch frame stood slowly; the coffee and dried meat nourishing the muscles for the day ahead, but the joints feeling the ache of a man much older than his thirty-three years.  It was time for work; there were bricks to be set and a building to complete.  Maybe today would be the end; he was never sure.

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